Former user (Deleted)
- Old opcodes stay in cache until all old requests satisfied. Leave headroom (up to 2x normal size).
- Add hints
- Set
apc.stat = 0
- But have to restart server to get new files
- With source control, use
apc.stat_ctime = 1
if apc.stat = 1
- Compile using spin locks. Use pthreads if spins fail.
- Try experimental functions
and apc_binload_file()
- On deployment, serialize the cache and load in the serialized cache to every server while under maintenance.
- Use
to prime/update the cache.
- User variable cache:
, but must serialize to use memcached.
- Check if latest APC uses double-linked lists for less performance trouble with fragmentation.
- Check out lazy loading (a PHP 5.3 patch).
- Use APCIterator().
- Check out APC 4.0 with LFU support, which supports multiple caches.
Other notes
- No sharing of compiled code between FastCGI threads
- Significant copying of compiled code between Apache/mod_php threads
{"serverDuration": 10, "requestCorrelationId": "cf29baf7e90a42399956d9aa3c0b9edc"}